Marching right over me - see what I did there? haa haa So I am hoping to post at least once a month - but it might be every other. We shall have to see. School is kicking my behind. It's hard and there is a lot of studying. I am not allowed to talk about my hands on training but I can say I've seen sad things and I am ready to move to the next semester and a new facility. Scott and I decided to do the Whole30 and that takes some work as well. Sadly, the diet - I mean change of life - is pretty restrictive and I have tons of school work so we have not been getting out much. I am on Spring break right now so last weekend we went to the Children's Museum in Indianapolis - yeah - we are the weird ones with no kids at the Children's Museum.... what a fun place.
water clock - very cool!! |
replicas of the terra cotta warriors |
under the glass sculpture (reflected off the floor) |
crazy glass sculpture |
outside |
Add caption |
We are also planning on letterboxing this week - fun!! I still have studying to do but not as intense. Before I really get going let me get some stuff out of the way - have you guys seen the ADORABLE patterns
The Snowflower Diaries is putting out - they are free and cute as could be!! Then there is a fun 60th birthday celebration going on at
Wisdom with Needle and Thread and last but not least
Lov'N My Stitches is having a Spring giveaway - so many fun things going on in the blogosphere!!
I mentioned in my last blog post that I was taking Scott out for a Valentine's surprise. I took him to the movies on opening night of his favorite filmmakers - the Coen Brothers. The fact that we had to leave for Georgia the next day made it less of a surprise because I had to tell him where to meet me so we could still get home at a decent time. It was fun - there was hardly anybody in the theater and the movie was good. For Valentine's Day he bought me two pretty rings
and some German treats
he also made me pancakes (clearly BEFORE the Whole30 started!!) We went and saw Ryder
we brought his car back to our house. It was a whirlwind trip - drove down, ate at a place off of Diners (of course!)
I think this is pulled pork but I can't remember |
shrimp po boy |
Triple D meatball burger |
fried green tomatoes |
beignets |
We stayed the night and drove back the next day - whew!
One of my classes in in the lab and we have to learn how to do things like take vital signs and take off our gloves. One of the things I had to practice is sterile dressing change - here is my poor patient
look at that incision! I took good care of him though. My stitching has taken a back seat . Here is where I am on all 4 of my projects
Tiramisu by Glendon Place |
2012 Prairie Schooler |
Teresa Wentzler fruit bell pull |
I started a rotation and I've been sticking to it until last week. The Heaven and Earth picture is boring - not only that but the stitches are super small. I am not enjoying working on it. I knew this would happen and that is one of the reasons I started a rotation but last week I rotated it out after just a few days. I love the picture

but couldn't it be regular sized? bah Life might be too short to do a Heaven and Earth Design. The Whole30 is no sugar, dairy, legumes, grains, alcohol and most additives for 30 days.Today is day 22. Your meals are 1-2 palm size protein the rest of the plate veggies and a small amount of good fat - like avocado or nuts. The only thing I miss is coffee that doesn't taste like crap. I am drinking English Breakfast tea in water and homemade almond/coconut milk which tastes good but sometimes it makes my throat very dry (dry enough to gag me) and I'm not sure why. I think I miss yogurt but if there was some here I wouldn't rush out to eat it - so maybe not. Whole30 makes
lots of claims but so far all I've noticed is some weight loss and no bloating. I also have some intestinal distress and acne - which are NOT supposed to happen. I am pretty sure that when I get to the end of my 30 days I will just stay on it for another 30 and see what happens. One person has done it for 7 months and lost 100 pounds. The reason I moved away from Weight Watchers is I got too used to taking a day off and planning on starting the next day but then something came up and I will plan on starting tomorrow but now it's Wednesday and what's the point of doing it for two days because we never ate right on the weekend. This diet there is NO cheating - if you cheat you have to start over because there is a chemistry to it. I have been on the plan for 22 days without one cheat. The first two weeks is hard because you are getting used to what you can eat - you have to make
everything even your mayo and ketchup. Plus, sugar doesn't just let you go without a fight. After the first 2 weeks it's not so hard and we have come up with great meals.
On my last post I mentioned that when we were at the dam in Nevada, Scott was in one state and I was in another - well I had a picture but didn't post it doh!! So here it is
Ok kids I better go - only because once a month posts make for long ones and you are probably ready for a nap haha. Thanks for sticking with me - Happy Spring!!