Friday, February 15, 2013


Hello folks,
So, I managed to get myself nominated for an award. When I got the envelope in my mailbox I initially thought I would not go. But my husband thinks I should and he invited my children to come as well. You may or may not know I am a dispatcher for a police department . The award is being given to me for a call involving a five year old that needed to go to a neighbor's house because his mom was having a seizure. The only person home at the neighbor's house  was a 16 year old. They went back to the house, the older boy keeping mom safe and the younger one waving down help. (there was more to it but I think you get the idea) I had expected that the boys would get an award but the address of the homes is in the county and we are city police. So, County has to give them an award. I think they are the ones deserving this award - they were so brave and exhibited strength that even some adults don't have. I feel that I was merely doing my job. I appreciate being noticed for doing my job but I am only one digit on the "hand" that responds and, sometimes, literally picks up the pieces. I don't even "get any on me". I believe that every one of my coworkers has had at least one call that may have been what ended their career. These calls can be emotional, psychological things and can be hard to handle, but they did what needed to be done. This wasn't my first hard call - one of mine was a woman whispering I love you to her husband because she was sure she was dying. A choking child where the ambulance responding was in an accident. The crew you work with really helps they can be there when I need help and when I need to walk away. My husband is also a stable person for me to lean on. I, alone, do not deserve an award. So, having said that - I will graciously accept the award on behalf of all of us. Yes, my name is on it but I could not have done it alone. (sappy but whatever)
It seems as though I am making a big deal out of this but this was the hardest call I have had - even though everyone lived -I was sure I was done dispatching. I told Scott I wouldn't be going back. I did go back, and here we are.
To all the people who save lives every day and keep out streets safe - keep up the good work!


  1. I am so very thankful for people like you!! You do deserve the award!!

  2. I imagine it would be hard to answer a call because you never know what emergency is at the other end. Not everyone can do that and people that do deserve awards! Congratulations for doing a great job.
